Mentorship Program Operations
Surveys and other forms related to the Find a mentor, Be a mentor program live in a mentorship folder. If you need collaborator access to an item in this folder, contact a program champion to add you.
The committee of mentorship program champions are the designated owners and maintainers of the Find a mentor, Be a mentor program. As it is inherently cross-functional, the committee is composed of representatives from engineering, product, CS, and people ops. The current representatives are:
- Stompy Mwendwa (CS)
- Kelli Rockwell (Engineering)
- Joe Chen (Engineering)
- Marisa Kanemoto (Product)
- Inés Roitman (People Ops)
The responsibilities of the mentorship program champions are 3-fold:
- Promoting participation in the mentorship program (increasing visibility, regularly soliciting new volunteers, maintaining the surveys, and improving resources/the program over time)
- Speaking for the mentorship program (monitoring #mentorship, answering questions, and gathering feedback from mentors and mentees)
- For groups participating in the mentorship program, the mentorship program champions will periodically send surveys to check in with mentor-mentee pairs about their experiences.
- Resolving issues with the mentorship program (responding to private survey submissions, communicating with participants as needed, and helping mentees who have not yet found a good mentor fit)
That being said, the mentorship program here at Sourcegraph is brand new, and anyone is free to make suggestions as to how the program should operate or contribute towards our resources for supporting mentors and mentees! If you have feedback, please share it in #mentorship!
People Ops Support
In order to keep the mentors bulletin board up-to-date when there is a team member departure, an item will be added to the People Ops offboarding checklist to ensure they are also removed from the bulletin board.
The People Ops team is also always available as a resource in case of personal issues or disputes between mentors and mentees. Inés Roitman is our program’s official champion from within People Ops.
Measuring Outcomes
We shall orient our metrics for measuring the success of this program around each of the two primary goals of the RFC stated in the problem statement. Each metric below is framed as a question in two ways:
- The first, bolded question expresses the underlying metric we seek to understand.
The second, non-bolded question is what we would actually ask participants in order to gauge the metric.
- If the question has specific response options for participants, those will be listed.
- (The italicized parenthetical at the end of each list is a target for the metric.)
It is easy to ask for mentorship and be matched to a mentor
The following questions could be included in a company engagement survey or department quarterly surveys (eng has one):
At a higher level, are these metrics consistent across departments? Which department do you belong to?
- Product
- Engineering
- Customer Support
- Other
- (Targeting high consistency)
(Quantitative) What percentage of the company is aware of the mentorship program? Y/N - Were you aware that Sourcegraph has a mentorship program for the engineering, product, and CS departments?
- (Targeting >90%)
(Quantitative) What percentage of eng/product/CS is participating in mentorship, and what percentage of that is from the program? Would you describe any of your working relationships with Sourcegraph teammates as having an aspect of mentorship (giving or receiving) to them? If so, was the relationship formed from the Sourcegraph mentorship program?
- No, I don’t have any mentoring relationships with teammates.
- Yes, but the relationship predated the Sourcegraph mentorship program.
- Yes, but the relationship formed organically outside of the mentorship program.
- Yes, but the relationship formed outside of the mentorship program for another reason.
- Yes, and the relationship formed from the mentorship program.
- (Targeting 10% “Yes, and from the program” in first quarter, 40% by the end of the first year)
(Qualitative) Does the mentorship program make it easier to find a mentor? If you were interested in participating in the Sourcegraph mentorship program as a mentee this quarter, how easy was it to find a mentor?
- 5 - I immediately found and connected with a good mentor for me.
- 4 - I found and connected with a good mentor with a bit of time and effort.
- 3 - I found and connected with a good mentor after some time or a moderate amount of effort.
- 2 - I eventually found and connected with a mentor after a long time or a lot of effort.
- 1 - I could not find a mentor for the type of mentorship I was looking for.
- 0 - I could not find a mentor at all.
- (Targeting mostly 4s and 5s, no 0s)
Any mentor-mentee relationship is driven by a clear but mutable purpose.
The committee of program champions will survey individuals from mentor-mentee pairs over the duration of their mentorship with the following questions:
(Qualitative) Are mentors and mentees able to maintain steady, constructive progress towards their goals over the course of mentorship? On a scale from 0 to 5, how productive do you feel the mentorship relationship is?
- 5 - Incredibly productive.
- 4 - Mostly productive.
- 3 - Adequately productive.
- 2 - Partly productive.
- 1 - Rarely productive.
- 0 - Not productive at all.
- (Targeting 3+, no 0s or 1s)
On a scale from 0 to 5, how consistent do you feel the mentorship relationship is?
- 5 - Incredibly consistent.
- 4 - Mostly consistent.
- 3 - Adequately consistent.
- 2 - Partly consistent.
- 1 - Rarely consistent.
- 0 - Not consistent at all.
- (Targeting 3+, no 0s or 1s)
[For mentors] On a scale from 0 to 5, how much do you want to mentor on a similar topic in a similar format again?
- 5 - Sign me up again right now!
- 4 - I would definitely enjoy something similar again.
- 3 - I would probably enjoy something similar again, with some tweaks.
- 2 - I would not mind something similar again, but I would prefer a change.
- 1 - I would enjoy a different topic or format a lot more.
- 0 - I will not mentor on this topic or in this format again.
- (Targeting 3+, no 0s or 1s)
(Quantitative) What percentage of mentor-mentee relationships are attaining their goals? If your mentorship relationship recently finished, did you hit your goals?
- We hit all of our goals
- We hit most of our goals
- We did not hit any of our goals
- (Targeting >90% “All” or “Most”)