
How to contact Marketing

General Marketing requests and feedback

Who to go to for what

The table below breaks down the capabilities of each team within Marketing. Once you’ve identified which team is relevant to your query, check out their handbook page or contact them via their Slack channel or contact form. If you’re still not sure which team you should contact, please submit a general request or reach out in #marketing.

TeamWhat we can help withSlack channelsSubmit an idea
BrandBranding, graphic design, website/digital experiences, photo/video production, swag, social media (see below), and event planning.#brand-creative #swagCreative requests, Swag requests
Social MediaRequests for amplification and promotion, including: blogs, releases, use cases, mentions from our community or champions, Sourcegraph-sponsored events, events with Sourcegraph speaking opportunities, and press coverage.#social-media-action & #social-media-postsSend requests, ideas, and industry updates to the #social-media-action channel
CommunicationsComing soon!
Community RelationsSpeaking, attending, organizing meetups, virtual events, hackathons, and conferences. OSS community outreach. Creating engaging technical content that assists developers in their daily work and adoption of Sourcegraph, in form of articles, blog posts, demos, cookbooks and videos. We own Sourcegraph Champions program.#community-relationsMarketing Request form
Content MarketingWriting, editing, and strategic support for content that raises awareness and builds trust with our developer audience. Content channels and formats we own: the blog (except for release posts, which are managed by Product Marketing), reports, podcast, web series.#content-chatContent Proposal form
Demand GenStrategic support, planning, and execution of marketing programs designed to generate demand among developers and decision makers within and outside of our target account list. Marketing channels we can support: paid media, email, events (virtual and in-person), webinars, and more. Other things we do: maintain the marketing database, build out audience segmentation, work on lead lifecycle and lead scoring, create Hubspot forms and workflows, manage our MarTech stack.#demand-gen-internalMarketing Request form
Developer EducationEducational resources for developers#developer-education, #sourcegraph-learnFile an issue on Sourcegraph Learn, Guidance on all other requests
Product MarketingProduct launches, product messaging and positioning, pricing and packaging, customer stories, Customer Advisory Board, and analyst relations.#customer-advisory-board, #pricing, #release-postMarketing Request form


Open Roles

See the marketing roles for open positions.

Career development

Our career development framework is here to help you understand the expectations of your role, and to provide a common language for you and your manager to discuss and plan your career growth. It is also an important part of our larger goal of ensuring everyone is equitably recognized for the impact they have at work, and to reduce bias in promotions and hiring.

Check out this doc for details on the expectations of your role.