Cloud engineering org


Our mission is to provide the fastest, most seamless way for development teams to bring Sourcegraph into their workflows, wherever they are. We do this by optimizing the processes and tools at those initial touchpoints and bridging our value to our users needs.

  • “seamless way” → if Sourcegraph cloud is a method of deploying Sourcegraph, we’re solving the problem of “bringing Sourcegraph in,” not “making code search better.”
  • “development teams” → includes developers themselves, engineering managers, and the intersections with the rest of their org chart. Also steps away from the question of team scale, and encompasses all sizes of customer.
  • “into their workflows” → Sourcegraph cloud is more than and code search, and Sourcegraph cloud offers unique opportunities for integration into existing workflows in ways that self-hosted deployments might not be able to support.


  • SaaS is bringing our Cloud for Teams product to market
  • Security ensures proactive Security on our platform
  • Growth and Integrations is bringing the value of Sourcegraph closer to our users
  • DevOps ensures world class reliability and availability for our Cloud SaaS platform
  • Delivery brings Sourcegraph to our prospects and customers environments

Product Strategy – Mission/Vision/Focus Areas


#cloud-org channel in Slack