Product designer onboarding
Welcome to the Design Team!
Having gone though the Process St onboarding and product onboarding, it’s time for the design onboarding!
Your perspective as both a new user of Sourcegraph and a new teammate is very valuable to us. Please keep notes on any issues you encounter as you are onboarding and learning the product. We’ll use those notes to improve the product and process.
Designer checklist
- Join the design-related Slack channels:
- design
- product-design-internal
- accessibility
- analytics-review
- wildcard-components-library-wcl
- hallway-testing
- Join your organization’s channels
- If Code Graph: #code-graph, #code-graph-em-pm-design, and #code-graph-social
- If Cloud: #cloud-org, #cloud-org-social
- Add yourself as a designer to the handbook pages of the teams you’re working with. You can also add those teams to your Slack profile description, for ex. ‘Product Designer (Code Insights)’
- Get familiar with the products that we use as inspirations for reference in the developer tools industry:
- Read the Product Design team handbook, especially:
Set up your design environment
Use the following resources to get up to speed on design at Sourcegraph.
You’ll find we have a strong base to work from, but we are in the early stages of creating our program. Your input will be critical to our success, so take notes about everything you experience while onboarding. We’ll use them to help us improve our process and the product!
- Set up Figma
- Download Figma
- (Optional) Set nudge to 8px in preferences > nudge amount
- Install Figma plugins:
- A11y - Color Contrast Checker - handy tool to check if your designs meet our accessibility standards
- Iconify - We use the material design icons which can be searched and included with this plugin
- Style organizer - helps us manage color
- Other helpful plugins:
- Data lab - populates layers with data. This helps us provide more accurate designs and avoid tedious text generation
- Data for design
- Lorem Ipsum - simple text generator
- Suggest plugins to help make us more efficient!
- Install the font SF PRO, which can be found in the drive type folder
- Review a few usability studies to get an idea of some of our early research efforts.
- As you learn the product, if you come across a quick win for better usability, create a GitHub issue identifying the problem and proposing a quick solution, and tag it with ‘design’.
- Suggest a tool you love to the team in the #design channel on Slack!
- Storybook houses our React component library. We use Chromatic to easily access and collaborate on the components. You can access the React components library in two ways:
- Log in to Chromatic with your GitHub account and open Sourcegraph library
- From the root of your local development environment run storybook:
yarn storybook
- Explore and favorite the Google Drive design folder
Creating your first Figma project
- Consider using the Project Template (read more in Documents and Templates)
- This template doesn’t fit all working styles or projects. If it doesn’t work for you, consider try to standardize on the following conventions:
- Name pages consistently, use emojis to help indicate purpose
- Use a cover page and cover component to help with readibly
- Use an About section to help others know what the file/page/section does
- This template doesn’t fit all working styles or projects. If it doesn’t work for you, consider try to standardize on the following conventions:
UX End-To-End Review
To get yourself familiar with the product and the team you are going to be working with, a possible onboarding task can be doing an End-to-End review to the journeys you’ll be working on.
Your manager may help you find the right start and end point of the said journey, but the idea is to simply record yourself trying to reach the goal of the task.
This will be useful for you, because you’ll be puting the shoes of our users so you’ll get a sense of what the UX of the journey is like.
This is also useful for the rest of the team, because you’ll certeanly find insoncsistencies or even bugs that can be then reported to the correct onwers. The fact that your are joining, and have a fresh look of our product is very valuable, and don’t forget that similarly to any other user test, we are not evaluating you, our your technical capabilities!
How to create an End-To-End Review
For this you can use Quicktime to record your screen. Audio is not needed, but if you want to record your thoughts during the proccess you can add audio. You can also use any other software to record your screen, as long as the final video can be watched by everyone.
Then you may duplicate and fill this template with the issues you found and the related timestamps for the video. If you choose to upload your video to google drive, you can add the time stamps by appending “/view?t=1m05s” to the video URL
Then, coordinate with you manager and share the results with the design team.
Manager checklist
- Complete the product team manager checklist
- Add the designer to these team meetings:
- Design sync meeting (both meetings!)
- Design retro meeting (first Wednesday of the month)
- Add the designer to the relevant meetings for their team (if not handled by email groups)
- Notify people ops to include the new designer to the following:
- GitHub groups:
- Google groups:
- Slack groups:
- @design-team
- @product-team
- Their product team’s groups
- In their 1-1 doc introduce the designer to a few Figma files that are relevant to their team