Director of Product interview process

Total interview time: 5 hours

  1. [30 min] Initial screen: We chat with you about Sourcegraph and to find out what you are looking for in your next role.
  2. [30 min] Hiring manager screen: with Christina Forney, VP Product to elaborate on your previous experiences.
  3. [1 hr] Resume deep dive with Christina Forney, VP Product
  4. [2.5 hr “Onsite”]
    • [1 hr] Working session: Work through problem solving leadership exercises with Christina Forney, VP Product and either Nick Snyder, VP Engineering or the Director of Engineering of the corresponding org.
    • [30 min] Meet your team: Explain how you grow and mentor Product Managers with your direct reports.
    • [30 min] Design and Engineering collaboration: Discuss your experiences cross-collaborating with a Product Designer and Engineering Manager.
    • [30 min] Values interview: Meet with someone from the Sourcegraph team (outside of your organization) to discover how you’ve demonstrated our values in the past.
  5. [30 min] Final Call: with Beyang Liu, CTO
  6. We make you a job offer!

We’re open to setting up any other informal conversations with people who you would be working closely with but didn’t get to meet during the interview process.

We want to ensure Sourcegraph is an environment that suits your working style and empowers you to do your best work, so we are eager to answer any questions that you have about us at any point in the interview process.

Go back to the careers page for all open positions.