Removing repositores from cloud
This document is a guide on how to completely remove repositories from Sourcegraph Cloud.
The user should have privileged access to be able to perform this on Sourcegraph Cloud.
⚠️ WARNING: Be careful to make sure everything checks out as per the removal request.
Process of removing repositories
We consider the following kinds of repositories:
- Public forks of private repositories
- Public repositories that are made private
- Public repositories added by other users or organizations other than the owner of the repository
- Private repositories
The removal process is the same across all the visibility types listed above.
Depending on the environment, exec into pgsql
kubectl exec -ti $PGSQL_POD -- psql -U sg
docker exec -it $PGSQL_CONTAINER -- psql -U sg
Option 1 (‘Hard’ delete)
A hard delete leaves no trace of the repository in the database
- If you know the name of the repo by it’s URI get the id:
SELECT id FROM repo WHERE uri LIKE '';
- Delete the repo:
DELETE FROM repo WHERE id=<$id_of_the_repo>;
Option 2 (‘Soft’ delete)
A soft delete does not permanently delete a repository in the database and allows it to be un-deleted in the future.
- Get the id of the repo:
SELECT id FROM repo WHERE uri LIKE '';
- Soft delete the repo:
UPDATE repo SET name = soft_deleted_repository_name(name), deleted_at = transaction_timestamp() WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND id = <id_of_the_repo>;
Note: Deleting a repository from the database does not automatically delete the data on disk (in gitserver
). This requires an additional step.
- To get the correct repo in
you will need to get it’sshard_id
by running the following command in the database:
SELECT shard_id FROM gitserver_repos where repo_id = <$id_of_the_repo>
Removing the repository from disk
Exec into gitserver
kubectl exec -it $GITSERVER_POD sh
docker exec -it $GITSERVER_CONTAINER sh
and then
cd /data/repos/<$codehost/repo-owner>
rm -rf $repo_name
Verifying the repository was removed from the database
- Exec into
Verifying the repository was removed from disk
cd /data/repos/<$codehost/repo-owner>
ls $repo_name
Both instances should return null results to help confirm deletion.