Internship Recruiting and Offer Processes

The Recruiting and Offer processeses for internship positions are sightly different than full-time roles. This page will outline the correct steps to take for the following.

Opening an Intern role

Step 1: Prior to each internship cohort, Leadership will fill out an Intern Request Form to request one or more intern(s) for their team. Then Leadership + VP Talent will finalize which internship roles we will hire for and assign a recruiter to each role.

Step 2: The recruiter will reach out to each Hiring Manager via slack to request the job description and interview plan. The hiring manager will be required to develop a job description following the steps in the handbook. The Hiring Manager will also need to fill out an intake form.

Note: For Internship interview plans, the only required steps are Recruiter Screen, Hiring Manager Screen, Peer Interview, and Values Interview. Typically, 1 Talent team member will conduct each intern values interview.

… Once the Hiring Manager completes the above steps, the Recruiter takes the below actions:

Step 3: The Recruiter schedules a 30-minute intake meeting with the Hiring Manager to kick off the search and review the responses to the intake form. The intake meeting is intended for the Hiring Manager and the Recruiter to get on the same page about job requirements, the ideal candidate, and the proposed interview process. This is a necessary step to ensure initial alignment and set our search up for success.

Step 4: The recruiter then sets up the role in Greenhouse and posts it to our Careers Page.

  • Copy the “Template” job.
  • Build out the interview plan, adding all behavioral-based, structured questions (found in the interview plan directly into each interview stage.
  • All interview stages should use the standard interview titles, found here. When adding Interview Steps, you must follow the following format: ‘Type of Interview’ [Duration]. For example: Hiring Manager Screen [45 min]. It is not acceptable to add any notes or other identifying information in the title of the interview as this will skew our calibration data.

Step 5: The Recruiter creates a Slack channel with the Interview Team and starts the Slack Kick-Off Process:

  • Create a new channel slack channel named: “team-hiring_position_recruiter-name”
    • Example: “product-hiring_product-design-intern_recruiter-kemper”
  • Invite the entire interview panel plus VP Talent, Recruiting Coordinator & Sourcer to the channel
  • Tag VP Talent to make the channel private
  • Once private, send kick off note using the below template:

“Hi team! We are excited to kick off our [hyperlink job description] opening and I appreciate all of you participating in the interview process. I thought it would be helpful to create a Slack channel to stay aligned as we begin interviewing candidates!

As a next step, please:

  • Review the below interview process and qualifications
  • Please share this post to social media to help drive applicants to the role
  • Please review these pages in the handbook:
    • Interview training
    • The interview process
    • Feedback definitions
  • Please review our Guide to Using BrightHire and ensure you download the BrightHire Chrome extension.

Interview process / hiring team:

At a high level, here is an overview of what we’re looking for in this hire. @hiringmanager, please add any additional insight that will be helpful for the hiring team to keep in mind as they interview candidates!

  • Why is this position open:
  • The ideal candidate:
  • Level:
  • Deal breakers:
  • Selling points:
  • Target start date:”

Step 6: The Recruiter begins generating a candidate pool by reviewing applications in Greenhouse and Sourcing passive candidates via LinkedIn Recruiter. Once eligible candidates are identified, they are moved to the interview stage.

Recruiting for Intern roles


Extending an Internship Offer

No references needed. Compensation and leveling has already been confirmed by finance.

Step 1: The Recruiter has a pre-closing conversation with the candidate to confirm mutual-interest. It is very important that the Recruiter makes no offer promises or commitments to the candidate until the offer has been formally approved in Greenhouse.

Step 2: the Recruiter creates an offer in Greenhouse using the below offer data

  • Employment Type - “Intern”
  • Level - “IC1”
  • Percent into comp range - “75%”
  • Equity options - “0”
  • For all other offer fields, follow the standard process.

Approval chain: Talent Team Manager (if applicable) > VP Talent > Hiring Manager > Department Head > VP Operations.

We want to hire people who overwhelmingly get Yes and Strong Yes feedback. If the candidate did not receive all Yes and Strong Yes feedback, the Hiring Manager or Recruiter needs to submit written justification for moving forward with offer in the offer approval section. If the candidate received a no during the values interview, follow these steps.

Step 3: Once the offer is fully approved in Greenhouse, Recruiter schedules an offer call using the email template in Greenhouse. The purpose of the offer summary call is to review our offer with the candidate and answer any questions they may have.

Attendees: Recruiter, Hiring Manager (optional), Candidate.

COMING SOON: Generating an offer summary for interns

Offer Summary call agenda:

  • The Recruiter (or Hiring Manager if present) kicks off the call to give the candidate feedback and tell why we’re excited about them.
  • The Recruiter will share their screen to display the offer summary document.
  • The Recruiter then covers our compensation philosophy, the compensation specifics, internship start and end dates, and the perks that apply to interns.
  • The Recruiter (and Hiring Manager if present) answers any questions and asks how the candidate is feeling about the opportunity.
  • If there are any outstanding questions, be sure to schedule a follow-up call before ending the conversation.

Step 4: Following the offer call, the Recruiter sends the offer summary to the candidate in an email, and Cc’s the Hiring Manager and VP Talent.

Step 5: once the candidate verbally accepts the offer, a Recruiting Operations Specialist will draft the offer letter. If the recruiter needs to request the offer letter to be drafted, please follow the below steps:

  • If US-based candidate: make a formal request in the Slack channel talent-scheduling-and-offers for the ‘US Offer Letter - Intern’ letter to be sent via DocuSign.
  • If a non-US based candidate: make a formal request in the Slack channel talent-scheduling-and-offers for a ‘Int’l Offer Letter - Intern’ offer letter to be sent via DocuSign.

The Recruiting Operations Specialist will need to generate the offer template, download it to their computer, update the yellow fields using Microsoft Word, then reupload the offer template into Greenhouse before Sending with Docusign.

All DocuSigns should be routed for signing to VP Talent > Candidate and Cc, and the Hiring Manager

Step 6: the candidate receives the offer.

COMING SOON: what to do if the candidate declines our offer

After the Internship offer acceptance

After the candidate formally signs the offer letter via DocuSign, the Recruiter takes the following steps to onboard the new Teammate:

Step 1: via Greenhouse, the Recruiter sends a welcome email to the candidate by selecting the "welcome email from recruiter - US" or the "welcome email from recruiter - Non-US" template, depending on the location of the new intern.

To: the Candidate CC:,, Hiring Manager This should be sent within 24-hours of acceptance.

Step 2: The Recruiter confirms that the open, start and hired dates are correct, ensuring accurate time-to-fill data.

Step 3: The Recruiter confirms the candidate source information is accurate, ensuring accurate source data.

Step 4: The Recruiter declines all other candidates if we are closing the role / not hiring for multiple positions.

Step 5: The Recruiter marks the candidate as “hired” in Greenhouse.

  • Click the “Mark Candidate as Hired” button found in the “Offer Details” section of the candidate’s profile Select Close Reason: “hire-new headcount”
  • Click either "yes" or "no" in the “Keep Job Open” section. Only keep the job open if we are hiring for multiple openings
  • Select "Yes" for “Make Candidate Private”
  • Select "Yes" for “Export to BambooHR
    • If you don’t see an option to export to Bamboo, please ensure your Bamboo integration is active by following these steps
  • Email a summary of this candidate to:
    • Onboarding Email
    • VP of Talent
    • Hiring Manager

Step 6: the Recruiter sends a “thank you for participating in the interview process” note to the interview team in the role-specific Slack channel

Step 7: : the Recruiter archives the Channel after people respond

Step 8: the Recruiter asks the Hiring Manager to make a announcement of the candidate’s acceptance in the Slack #Hiring channel.

Step 9: The People Operations team then works with the candidate to onboard them and get them set up for their first day! The Tech Ops team will assist with the laptop ordering process.

How to Action a Revoked Offer

If an intern decides not to join us after being marked as Hired in Greenhouse but before their start date, follow these steps.

Actions to complete prior to the internship start date

The Internship Program manager needs to complete the following actions prior to the internship start date

  • Send PeopleOps and TechOps the final list of intern names, teams, managers, and locations (by Country)
    • Noemi will add to Bamboo
    • Inés will onboard
    • Cecily will order welcome boxes
    • Tech Ops will ship laptops
  • Work with Inés and Hiring Managers to confirm onboarding activities and prepare Process Street for the Interns’ first day
  • Work with TechOps team to ensure system access is set up for the interns
  • Confirm with Legal team that the manager training doc is still sufficient for the upcoming cohort
  • Confirm with PeopleOps that avatars have been created for each intern
  • Work with our external video partner to create the interns’ new hire video compilation. If the interns are not starting on a cohort start date, the intern program manager will send their video compilation in the #teammateannounce slack channel on their first day.
  • Finalize the social events and learning opportunities that will be included in the internship program
  • Finalize internship schedule. Our goal is to have the interns connect for each of the below items once per week:
    • 1:1 with manager
    • Team Meeting (this may vary depending on the team’s standard meeting cadence)
    • Internship Cohort meeting
    • Internship Event - these will be a mix of social events and learning opportunities
  • Send each Hiring Manager a 30 minute calendar hold for on the interns’ first day. This time will be used for the manager and intern to connect on the following:
    • Welcome the intern
    • Explain what to expect for their first week
    • Review the manager training doc to go over compliance information *This must be done on Day 1!