The Sourcegraph Interview Process
This page includes all information a Talent Team member, Hiring Manager, or Teammate needs to know about the interview stage.
The interview lifecycle
- How to open a new job
- Identifying candidates
- You are here: the interview process
- How to extend an offer
- How to onboard a new hire after offer acceptance
Making a referral
Current employees can refer a candidate in Greenhouse by following these instructions. There is no need for your referral to apply through our careers page once you have referred them in Greenhouse. If the referred candidate is a duplicate, the Recruiter will merge the records together and keep the referral candidate page as the primary candidate page.
Preparing for an interview
Training: all interviewers must review interview training before participating in any interviews.
System set up: all interviewers must have the below systems set up before interviewing.
- How to use Greenhouse, our ATS where all interview feedback lives.
- How to use Brighthire, our interview recording tool .
Role familiarization: prior to the interview, open up the interview kit in Greenhouse (the link can be found in your interview calendar invite). In the interview kit, you’ll be able to view the candidate’s resume, the job description, and the structured interview questions you will ask during the interview.
Selling Sourcegraph:
- Click here to view our Marketing page that describes what Sourcegraph does in different message lengths.
The interview stage
The recruiter screen
The first step of an interview process for a candidate is the Recruiter Screen. All Recruiters must have completed all stages of Recruiter Onboarding before interviewing candidates.
The Recruiter conducts an initial recruiter screen with eligible candidates. Sample Recruiter screen questions can be found here.
- To advance a candidate to the Recruiter screen stage, the Recruiter uses the Calendly template in Greenhouse to schedule. To reject a candidate, Recruiter sends rejection email template.
- COMING SOON: how to schedule with Calendly
- To decline a candidate, follow these steps. All candidates are either advanced or declined within 5 business days of their application date to provide a positive candidate experience.
If the candidate does not show up for the interview, the Recruiter will call, email, and text the candidate and offer to reschedule.
The Recruiter submits qualified candidates to the Hiring Manager. If Hiring Manager expresses interest in the profile, the Recruiter asks the Recruiting Coordinator to schedule the Hiring Manager screen by posting in the #talent-scheduling-and-offers
Slack channel.
- Click here to learn more about scheduling interviews at Sourcegraph.
The hiring manager screen stage
If the Hiring Manager chooses to advance a candidate following the Hiring Manager screen, the Recruiting Coordinator schedules additional interviews in the interview process (below). All interviewers must review the interview training and Guide to Using Brighthire before conducting interviews.
- COMING SOON: link to instructions on how we schedule interviews
- Interview process and sample interview questions for each department here
- If the candidate does not show up for the interview in the first 5 minutes, the Hiring Manager will send a message in the private Slack channel for the position and tag the Recruiter and Recruiting Coordinator. If the candidate does not show up for over 5 minutes, the Hiring Manager will end the interview.
The “onsite” stage
The “onsite” stage is defined as all interviews that take place after the hiring manager screen.
The Recruitment Operations specialist will schedule all remaining interviews in the interview process. It is important that all teammates accept the calendar invite to confirm that you plan to attend to the interview
- If you unable to make an interview, please Slack
immediately so that we can work on finding a replacement interviewer, or reschedule. Please do you best to provide a minimum of 24-hours notice if you are unable to attend.
Following your interview, please provide interview feedback immediately, no later than 24-hours after your interview, to ensure we are able to move quickly and provide a positive candidate experience.
- How to provide interview feedback
- We want to ensure every Teammate is aligned on what a
strong yes
recommendation means. You can find interview feedback definitions here - How to keep your interview feedback legal
The decision making stage
The hiring team reviews the feedback in Greenhouse and makes final hiring decision. This can be done in a synchronous fashion via a debrief Zoom meeting, or asynchronously via Slack. If there is mixed feedback, the Hiring Manager is the ultimate decision maker.
Once a hiring decision in made, the Hiring Manager is responsible for communicating the hiring decisions to the rest of the interview team to stay informed and calibrate for future hiring decisions.
- Post a note in the role’s private Slack channel.
- Your note should provide context for why we’ve decided to hire someone, or why we’ve decided not to hire someone.
- Once it’s been posted in Slack, paste your note into Greenhouse so it lives on the candidate page forever.
- Should we proceed to an offer, the Recruiter will then paste that note in the offer details.
If we are moving forward with an offer, the Recruiter will submit the offer details for approval and will schedule and offer summary call.
- Learn more about the offer stage here
If we are declining the candidate, the Recruiter will call the candidate.
- COMING SOON: policy on declining candidates and giving feedback
Estimated time-to-hire
It is our goal to fill our openings as quickly as possible while maintaining a high quality bar and a strong candidate experience. Our time-to-fill goal is an average of 45 days. This means that the timespan from intake meeting to candidate offer acceptance (when a candidate signs their offer letter) should be, on average, 45 days or less.
- (45 days time-to-fill) + (2–4 weeks notice period) + (1-2 weeks vacation in between jobs) = 3 months from the time we kick off the job to when our new teammate starts.
- All roles should be kicked off 2–3 months prior to our target start date to ensure we’re taking a proactive, rather than reactive, recruitment approach.
- Once a candidate begins the interview process with us, we should aim to complete the interview process in 2-weeks or less.
Please reference the hiring plan to see your upcoming open roles. This document is updated in real time and adjusts as the needs of our business change. If you see that you have an upcoming role in the next 2–3 months, please follow the below steps to kick off a search.
Sourcing best practices
- COMING SOON: to source passive candidates, the Recruiter & Hiring Manager follows best sourcing practices in LinkedIn Recruiter
Outreach best practices
- Our goal is to drive meaningful outreach and engagement with prospective candidates. When designing an engagement strategy, the goal is to create a sequence of messages and or/content at touch points delivered to a targeted candidate at predefined intervals.
Here’s a guide on creating a Recruiting Outreach Campaign.
Our Scheduling Philosophy
We are flexible when it comes to scheduling interviews because we are all-remote and we don’t need to schedule all interviews back-to-back (unlike typical onsite interviews at other companies). Some candidates like spreading interviews out (e.g., across multiple days and/or having breaks between interviews on the same day) and others prefer to batch them as much as possible to get it over with. Ask the candidate what their ideal interview schedule looks like and then try to accommodate those preferences as much as possible (given interviewer availability).
Even if candidates prefer to batch all their interviews together, it might not be possible due to the timezones of available interviewers.
We will schedule interviews in stages. If it is clear from the feedback that we won’t be moving forward, we will reject and not move forward with additional stages.
To schedule an interview with a candidate, please work with your recruiter or Slack @hiring. You can see a list of Recruiters.
Providing interview feedback
Written interview feedback
Please put your written feedback into Greenhouse as soon as possible following the interview (immediately is ideal) while it is still fresh in your mind. You can also leverage your BrightHire recording to revisit key points during the interview when providing feedback. All feedback must be submitted in Greenhouse before discussing with anyone. This is required and ensures that bias does not impact your hiring recommendation.
COMING SOON: how to use Brighthire for feedback
Overall hiring recommendation
In addition to providing written feedback, you are asked to choose an overall recommendation. You are given 4 feedback options in Greenhouse: 1. Strong Yes
2. Yes
3. No
4. Strong No
. It is important that we are calibrated as a team and that we assess candidates using the same scale.
- Feedback is required immediately (no later than 24 hours after the interview) to ensure we’re able to move candidates through our process quickly.
Please leverage the below definitions when rating candidates:
Strong Yes
You are confident that this person would make our team better and you would be excited to have the chance to work with them.
You observed only positive signs that this person would be a good fit for our team, but you don’t feel strongly about hiring them.
You are neutral or are unsure if they have, or don’t have, this attribute. More digging and interviewing is recommended. To indicate that you’re neutral, please do not select any score and press submit.
You have doubts about whether this person would make our team better.
Strong No
You are very confident that we should not hire this person because they would not be successful on our team.
All “Yes” feedback with no “Strong Yes” feedback is usually not sufficient. We want to hire people who we are excited to work with.
Assessing focus attributes
When assessing focus attributes, we have 5 options: 1. Star 2. Thumbs up 3. Neutral 4. Thumbs down 5. Stop
You are very confident that this person has this attribute.
Thumbs up
You are confident and have no concerns that this candidate has this attribute.
You are neutral or are unsure if they have, or don’t have, this attribute. More digging and interviewing is recommended.
Thumbs down
You do not believe this candidate has this attribute.
You are very certain that this candidate does not embody this attribute.
Keeping your feedback legal
Declining candidates
COMING SOON: how to decline a candidate
Who receives a written rejection:
- Any candidate who applies to Sourcegraph but doesn’t make it to the Recruiter Screen stage.
- Any candidate who has a Recruiter Screen, but isn’t progressed to the Hiring Manager Screen stage.
Who receives a phone call rejection:
- Any candidate who makes it past the Hiring Manager Screen stage.