Enablement strategy

The Enablement organization comprises teams working on the technical foundations for developing our product. This page describes the overarching mission and strategy that ties these teams together. Each team has an individual strategy page that describes what they are working on and why in more detail. Our strategy home page details our strategies as well as indexes individual team strategy pages.


Our mission is to provide the right technical foundations critical to the success of our customers and product development. We do this by ensuring we have the best tools, processes, and services in place, for use by both customers and our own engineers.

Focus Areas

We are focused on several themes to help make our one-year vision a reality. They are not listed in priority order, as we are pursuing all of them. To see how these play into what any particular product team is delivering, take a look at the individual team strategy pages, as indexed on our strategy home page

Make it easier to contribute to our frontend codebase

Developing a component system leads to a consistent user experience, faster delivery, and more inclusive design. To ensure better adoption and customer satisfaction with our product we are also focused on improving page rendering performance and perceived performance when a user interacts with the application.

Reduce friction in deployment and upgrade

Enable Sourcegraph customers and prospects to easily access the value our product provides without experiencing friction during the install & upgrade process. Ensure Sourcegraph can be run by any user with a standard engineering background at scale and with ease. Set clear expectations with customers / prospects on the environment requirements necessary to manage Sourcegraph at the scale they seek.

Enrich education and documentation systems

Our company, as well as our user base, is growing rapidly. We want to see all people in our ecosystem succeed, and to do so, we need enriched education and documentation systems.

Improve our continuous integration pipeline

When our CI pipeline breaks we need clear indications and rich observability of what is causing the failures so that we can quickly take action on resolving the issues.

Strengthen support of code management systems

As we broaden our reach, prospects and customers look to us to support a large variety of source code management (SCM) systems, in a way that is robust and scalable. We want to provide our user base the means to simply, easily, and reliably connect to all common SCMs.

Improve the reliablity and performance of our code host connections and code storage

Code host connectivity, scalability, and reliability underpin all other features within Sourcegraph. We need to ensure Sourcegraph can handle the size and quantity of repositories that future customers own and ensure we can meet any performance requirements customers have that impact code host connections and code storage.

Team specific pages